We welcome you to join us for a tour of Marble Hill Nursery School. During the tour, you will get a chance to learn more about our school’s philosophy and mission. You will also hear from an MHNS administrator, teacher, and current parents. Please fill out the form below to register. We look forward to meeting you!
Le invitamos a que nos acompañe en un recorrido por Marble Hill Nursery School. Durante el recorrido, tendrá la oportunidad de aprender más sobre la filosofía y la misión de nuestra escuela. También escuchará a un administrador, maestro y padres actuales de MHNS. Por favor complete el siguiente formulario para registrarse. ¡Esperamos contar con su presencia!
Click here to register for one of our tours. Tour dates for the 2025 – 2026 school year are listed below:
- Friday, January 17, 2025, at 4pm
- Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 4pm